
Men’s Haircut (12+)

$50 – 30 min

This service is for all haircuts. Includes a shampoo before or after, hot towel, straight razor neck shave upon request.

Head Shave

$50 – 30 min

Hot towel and warm lather head shave using a straight razor and followed up with a cold towel and after shave to heal and seal the scalp. Hot towel/cold towels are all infused with an essential oil blend.


Beard Trim (Add-on)

$20 – 15 min

Includes any 1 or more of the following: taking length off, shaping, lining up, etc. of any type of facial hair. Includes straight razor line up.


$20 – 15 min

Both ear and nose wax are done using warm, hard wax. Helps for a more groomed look overall.

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